How To Program Moldavite

How to Program Moldavite

Programming a Moldavite means getting it to work with your energy. To spiritualists, it
means maximizing the power or energy of the Moldavite to your advantage. This is why
learning how to program Moldavite is important so it can be useful.

It’s also important to note that there are chances that one may not work together with
the owner or bearer. Some examples are having overwhelming energy or feeling no
effect or feel of it at all.

Some believe that receiving a new Moldavite should be programmed to its new user
and must be cleansed from the old bearer’s energy. Either way, there are practices
shared by many Moldavite users on how they were able to work or program their
Moldavites with them.

Cleaning and charging their Moldavite have been among the top few things they have
done to make sure their stone works perfectly fine.

How to Cleanse and Charge Moldavite

There are many suggestions on how to cleanse or recharge a Moldavite. Here are a few
of the common suggestions.

Cleansing with Water

Cleansing a Moldavite means taking away all the negative energy it has. To some, they
call this losing its power. One of the ways to cleanse it is by keeping it in water. Some
suggest soaking it overnight with salted water. Others do it by dipping it through natural
running water like a river.

Cleansing by Soil

Another method of cleansing your Moldavite is by burying it in the earth overnight or 12
hours as well
. Some even suggest a few days or a week. This will cleanse and revive it.
The earth’s energy is believed to be among the best sources of good energy.

Cleansing Moldavite by Soil

Cleansing and Charging Through Sunlight

Sunlight is the top recharging suggestion from users of Moldavite. To many this also
serves both as cleansing and recharging.

Some believe that a Moldavite drains its energy because of a bearer’s negative
intention. So getting energy from the sun would give a positive charge to the stone

One must leave a Moldavite under the sun for a few hours to get it fully charged. Others
suggest that it should complete a sunrise to sunset cycle. Others only suggest either to
charge it during a sunrise or a sunset. In general, this is how to program a Moldavite the
best way.

Charging Through Moonlight and Meteor Shower

Besides the energy of the sun, the moon is also a good source of energy. Leaving your
Moldavite outside
to absorb enough moonlight especially in a full moon is good for it.
Since the energy comes from the sun and is reflected in the moon, to those who study
astrology or aligning of heavenly bodies, this type of energy is better than the direct sun.
But some suggest that the best way to charge a Moldavite is whenever there would be
meteor showers. They suggest to always check the schedule for meteor showers
because they believe the energy of the passing meteor could give positive energy to
one’s Moldavite.

How to Charge Moldavite Through Other Stones

Another suggestion is by putting your Moldavite beside other crystals or gems. Using
the cleansing stones Amethyst and Citrine are among the few suggestions. Study what
other stones work best with you and your Moldavite.

There are also those who say that cleansing or recharging of Moldavites isn’t
necessary. If you are a person who usually has a positive outlook or positive energy,
cleansing and charging may not be needed.

About The Author

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