5 Pieces of Authentic Raw Libyan Desert Glass (60.15grams)

$441 USD

The Libyan desert forks the eastern and northern parts of the Sahara desert. It is the part of Sahara situated in present-day Libya. The Sahara desert is the hottest, harshest and driest desert in the world, and the Libyan desert being a part of it has the Sahara desert’s humidity. It is also dry, barren, and rainless.

The Libyan desert glass, also known as Egyptian Desert Glass, is a unique impact glass found in one place on the whole earth, near the Egypt-Libyan border. It is spread wildly all over the desert and occurs naturally.

Weight: 60.15 grams

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Libyan Desert Glass Properties

The Libyan glass is mostly yellowish in color but can sometimes be milky in color, light yellow, and very clear. It is also a glass made from silicon dioxide. It is a naturally occurring glass. According to scientists, the glass has the most outstanding deposit of silica gas that’s natural (about 98% Si02). Ancient Egyptians who used it in Tutankhamen’s scarab pendant tagged it “the rock of God.” Other sources also say that people who live in the PRE-historic era, dating to 10,000 years ago, knew about it. It was used for paleolithic instruments like sharp blades, hunting, and farming tools. It was also used in time past by the pharaohs as a gemstone ornament. Among collectors today, it is a highly coveted and prized gem.

Libyan Desert Glass Origin

The origin of the glass is unknown to researchers and scientists. Due to its presence in only one part of the world, various theories have been tendered to explain its mysterious surplus in the Libyan desert. Some views even include alien and outer earth activities. However, scientific research projected that the glass came to be due to a natural meteor impact or comet impact in the past.

That a giant alien meteor fell from the sky and crashed into the Libyan desert, thereby producing tremendous heat on impact, causing the sand to burst up into the sky and rain down as liquid glasses. The glass is said to be like tektite (Greek for tektos), which means molten.

Why Should I Buy Libyan Desert Glass

Libyan glass is the right choice for anyone looking to increase the collection or jazz up their ornament. And you need not travel down to the Libyan desert to get it. You can get the gem online—order online stores, especially online stores that specify in gems sales and collection. The price varies based on the size you want to buy, quantity, location, and shipping cost.

Weight 60.15 g
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